Are you being attacked?

We can probably help, but even if we can’t, it’s likely we can get you to people that can, or get you the resources to help yourself.

  • Monitoring

    Online tracking for organizations who are concerned about being targeted by extremists

    Create resources for organizations to build security plans, document incidents, and prepare archival materials for legal cases.

  • Investigative Support

    Research and data collection to identify individuals related to extremist incidents

    Our team has provided evidence and identification for over 50 abortion clinic invasions, blockades, and targeted harassment cases.

  • On-site Support

    Documentation and de-escalation support for large extremist events

    Intermediary for organizations, volunteers, local and federal law enforcement

  • Community Outreach

    Build relationships with clinic escorts, community safety organizations, extremism researchers, archivists, and journalists to connect them to targeted organizations that need to build local community support to protect them from growing threat of extremist groups.